National Geographic: Alexander the great: the man behind the legend
Tibet: Cry of the Snow Lion
Pompeii. Life before Death
Gladiators: Back from the Dead
Nanook of the North
Last Days in Vietham
Sex(Ed) the Movie
Life Аfter: Сhernobyl
The Pope from the end of the world
Why We Ride
Nazi Attack on America
The Nazi Titanic
Caligula: 1400 Days of Terror
The Sultan and the Saint
National Geographic: Marco Polo. The China Mistery Revealed
History: Ninja. Shadow Warriors / Ninja. Japans Schattenkrieger
Conquistadors. The fall of the Aztec
The Two Million Year Old Boy
Viva Amiga: The Story of a Beautiful Machine
Rise of the Superbombs
Mummies. Frozen in Time
Inside WWII. The People's War
Death of a Nation
The First Great Escape
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