The Real Story of Santa Claus
Les Mysterieuses Cites Mayas
Ocean Wild
The Ghost of the Neolithic
Homo sapiens, les nouvelles origines
Schnidi, le fantôme du néolithique
The 1001 faces of Palmyra, the lost jewel of the desert
The French Revolution
La véritable histoire du Comte de Monte-Cristo
Rome, l'armee des batisseurs
L'invention du luxe à la française
L'Odyssée d'un trésor - L'Or de Troie
1989. The Year That Made Us
Egypt With The World's Greatest Explorer
America's Lost Vikings
Lost Cities With Albert Lin
World War II in Numbers
Secret Nazi Bases
Tutankhamun - Life, Death and Legacy
American History's Biggest Fibs
The Secret Story of the Knights Templar
Versailles: The Challenges of The Sun King
Turning Point: 9/11 and the War on Terror
Scanning the Nile
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