BBC: The Link
Life's Rocky Start
BBC: Lost Worlds: Vanished Lives
Lost Beasts of the Ice Age
Wonders of the Universe
Flying Monsters 3D with David Attenborough
BBC Natural World - Attenborough's Ark
Earth : Making of a Planet
The Planets
The Trap: What Happened to Our Dream of Freedom
BBC: Horizon What Happened Before the Big Bang
The Iceman murder
Advance of the ARMADILLO
Jutland clash of the dreadnoughts
Prehistoric Planet
The tale of the peacox and the tjger
BBC. Earth Story
In The Footsteps of Alexander The Great
MegaQuake: The Hour That Shook Japan
BBC: Horizon What Is Reality?
Engineering Connections with Richard Hammond
ВВС: How Drugs Work: Cannabis
ВВС: How Drugs Work: Cocaine
How drugs work: Ecstasy
BBC: Planet of the Apemen: Battle for Earth
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