The Enemies of Reason
BBC: New Europe With Michael Palin
BBC: Wild Caribbean
Apollo 11: The Untold Story
All About Animals
Colour of War I-VII
Animal Battlegrounds
Discovery: 2050. Future Storm
BBC: Prehistoric park
Discovery: Jack The Ripper. The First Serial Killer
BBC: The Moon
The Root of All Evil?
Prehistoric Planet
BBC. Journey of Life
BBC: Inside The Mind Of Hitler
Natural World. Secrets of the Maya Underworld
The Iceman murder
Walking With Monsters. Life Before Dinosaurs
The Natural World. The Orangutan king
The Holocaust. Ravensbruck
Under Siege!: Leningrad 1941 - The 900 Days
Secrets Of The Sexes
End Day
Operation Stonehenge: What Lies Beneath
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