Glaube und Währung - Dr. Gene Scott, Fernsehprediger
The Living Matrix
Into Eternity: A Film for the Future
Terra X: Jehovah's Stolen gold
The Yogis of Tibet
Workingman's Death
Прощенное воскресенье
Jesus` Family Tree
National Geographic: Quest for the Grail
National Geographic: The Gospel of Judas
How much Wood would a Woodchuck chuck... - Beobachtungen zu einer neuen Sprache
Kent Hovind - The Age of the Earth
Kent Hovind - The Garden of Eden
History Channel. Mysteries of the Bible - Magic and miracles of the Old Testament
National Geographic: Excavating Jesus
From Ararat to Zion
Science and Islam
Discovery. Who Framed Jesus?
History Channel:Mysteries of the Bible
National Geographic: Христианство. Восхождение к власти
The Pope from the end of the world
Wheel of Time / Rad der Zeit
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