Man of the Moon. Fact or Fiction?
Nos Mondes Disparus
Great Rift - Der grosse Graben (Rift Valley)
The Wild Balkans
Working Man Death - Heroes (Ukraine)
Unnatürliche Selektion
The Neanderthals’ dark Secret
On the Rails of the Double Headed Eagle
Im Keller
Secret Seychelles D’Arros
The Canary Islands
Techno Sapiens. The Future of the Human Species
The Huber Brothers at Mount Asgard
Onekotan - The Lost Island
Badlans hard rock - tough lives
Chasing Quakes
Discovery: 2057 unser leben in der Zukunft
Lost Book of Nostradamus
National Geographic: Mummies Sicily
Secret Files of the Inquisition
Discovery: Scandals Of The Ancient World
Tutankhamun - the Secrets of the Boy King
Sunken treasures of China
The Vampire Princess
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