The Reich Underground
Nuclear nightmare: Japan in crisis
Discovery: Body Atlas
Discovery: Jack The Ripper In America
Tsunami. Caught on camera
Nostradamus Decoded
Norway Massacre: The Killer’s Mind
Discovery Atlas: France Revealed
Who Framed Jesus?
Discovery: Destroyed in seconds
Discovery: Prototype This
Mega Beasts: Biggest Killer Dino
Nazi UFO Conspiracy
Discovery: Equator - Fight for light
Discovery: Equator Reefs of Riches
Discovery: Sasquatсh: Legend Meets Sсienсe
Sci-Fi Science: Physics of the Impossible
America's First Nations
Africa's Elephant Kingdom
Babylon Mystery. Nebuchadnezzar
Discovery: Equator - Challenge of Change
Discovery: Great Castles Of Europe
Animal Face-Off: Lion vs. Nile crocodile
The КV tank - Russian Steel Monster
Discovery: Wild Asia: Between Two Worlds
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